Featured Property
Kinene Estate in Gulu
A step into the future
The Kinene estate farm is located in the Northern part of Uganda in Gulu district. It is in the North-East of Gulu city approximately 32 km from Gulu city towards Kitgum road in Paicho Sub-county.

Acquired by the late Oola Festo Oduny in 1982 , it covers approximately 255 hectares at Kal Ali-Parish at Cwero, Kinene, Paicho plot no.7 Aswa County registered under the registrar of Titles; the Land Act Cap 227 under Leasehold Registry Aswa County, Plot 7, Block 3, Ref: 41244, Folio 7, Fr 1176 names of Festo Oola Oduny area 255 hectares. The land belongs to the family of the Late Oola Festo Oduny currently under the administration of widow Florence Arach Oola. It is accessible by bridge on River Lawiny that boarders it to the north to west and Kijuma stream that flows from south to East.

It's here that we want to build a safe haven innovation catalyst that can demonstrate the power of international and local collaboration and can become a pilot that can be an example for other locations.
Legal Status
In accordance to land act, granted lease offer of 49 years by the District Land board; the family is in the process of acquiring a special title for the full term at land registry and subsequently conversion into free hold system.
A Brief history
The area (Aswa county) was formally gazetted by the government for ranching and agriculture in the 80's. Formally known as the KINENE ESTATE farm, it used to own over 200 herds of cattle, goats, sheeps and poultry. The farm was known for milk production, local honey production and commercial crops growing; rice, cassava, bananas, millet, simsim and beans.
The family development plan was boosted by the Obote's government community wealth creation plan in the 80's. Hence, the farm benefited from the agricultural development program scheme, in the process, it acquired tractor Fiat registration number UWW 370, construction facilities such as; irons sheets, poles, cements and building materials to install the farm infrastructure. However, political instabilities in Uganda at time hindered it's operation and development. It was impossible to conduct large scale agriculture amidst civil conflicts characterized by abductions, attacks on farms, burning and looting of properties.

Notable instabilities in the 80's include; the fall of the Obote's government, followed by the dictatorship regime of Idi Amin and the long devastating conflict between the Lord Resistance Army (LRA) and Uganda government which ended in 2010. These wars turned farms into battle fields, frequent attacks by rebel, caused injuries and death of family members. This all had an adverse effect on the operationalization of the farm. Similarly, the farm was also attacked by the Karamojong pastoralist who are settled in the North-eastern Uganda who often attacked neighboring districts for cattle.

At the peak of these instabilities in the North, on the 14th August 1996, the tractor was forcefully removed under gun point by the rebel of Uganda people defense Army (UPDA) on its way to collect sand in Patiko village. The family would only recover the trailer abandoned by the rebels. This was a huge set-back for the farm as the tractor was key component in the farm development plan for transportation and large-scale extensive agriculture work. In the process of rehabilitation, all attempts to demand for compensation for the properties destroyed and stolen during the war has been futile so far with the Government.
Call for collaboration
While acknowledging it's past, the family is working towards rehabilitation and development of the land. However, as the previous efforts mostly considered commercialization. The new approach is aimed at building a collective investment that benefits nature, community and the family.
The family wishes to extend invitation to interested parties to join our course to set up humanity space to enhance community interactions, self-awareness, openness, healing and environment that pro-create transitioning in the face of injustices/social challenges within the communities settled in the surrounding. The family intend to build a demonstration farm for healthy agricultural practices, business centre with an internet connection to connect the community to the world, water harvesting/irrigation system to solve the lack of clean water source, solar saving systems for electricity, an entertainment centre with board and on field games to build community interactions among others. We welcome ideas that broaden the re-development of the land and allows full utilizations, value addition and growth of the communities.
Opportunities with the Land
The land is centrally located between Gulu city and major municipalities of Kitgum, Pader, Gulu town while directly connecting Awach trading center and Omoro. It is easily accessible and provides opportunity for setting up business center with internet connection, stationery services (Printing, photocopying and binding). The road passing through the land connects two trading centers before leading to different districts. It can act as resting point with a petrol fuel pump business set-up.
The land is fertile for farming which offers a conducive environment for commercial agriculture. The crops that have previously yielded harvest include; Maize, Sunflower, Ginger, Semsem, Rice, Sweet Potatoes, Cassava. Readily available market of gulu city, juba South Sudan and the nearby municipalities. This farm can as well act as demonstration farm for instance; Gulu University school of agricultur, Botanical site for ethnobotany, Fruits agronomy for learning purposes.
The area was formally a camp during the war but has evolved into Kinene trading center with large population offers opportunity for readily available labourforce to help in the expansion phase of the land for instance; construction, farm and market for products and services. Similarly, Gulu military base is located at Ato hill can be base for market.
Opportunity for Agroforestry. Commercial trees such as Pine trees, Eucalyptus, Mahogany have huge market potential in the area for electricity poles and construction materials. We have also identified lumbering activities along the sores and banks of the surrounding rivers on the neighboring land.
The constant water sources flowing from R. Lawiny, Kijuma valley from Ato hill and Ongaja as boundaries offers opportunity for water harvesting to supply the farm for irrigation, safe water for the animals and installation of clean water supply for the community.
The land is quite close to the recently built Aruu falls 150mw hydro electric power station which provides a potential for power supply for powering machines, processing plants and set-up of factories.
Peace building and community center.
Northern Uganda a post-war recovery area transitioning and healing from the adverse effects of the war, a community Centre that foster conversations towards opening, healing as a mechanism of transitioning from the past experiences through sharing stories, drawings and conversation towards peacebuilding and reconciliation.
The land is a formally gazetted area for ranching by the government in the 80's. The land provides a suitable stretch for paddock system and animal grazing such as Cattle rearing, goats, sheep, poultry and bee keeping to supply the market of close city and towns.